Altavilla. Autonomous University until its elevation to the City, then Altavilla Silentina to distinguish it from Altavilla Irpina. From Salerno km. 52

In 1935 was discovered a painted tomb in Altavilla with kit, including a vessel that allowed the identification of a painter said precisely Altavilla. Borgo Charila recalls Charila in locations Feo destroyed by Hannibal and remembered by Silio Italico. In Norman's news of Geoffrey of Altavilla, grandson of William the Good and Mauger, Count of Troina, lord of Polla.

In the bull of Celestine III in 1191 is news of the churches of St. Martin and St. Quiricio subject to the monastery of San Lorenzo de Stricta (Castel San Lorenzo). Surrounded by walls with three doors (S. Egidio, S.Biagio and Suso), in the castle, then a fourth (New Gate), guarded by two cylindrical towers. Altavilla, refuge of rebels during the conspiracy of Capaccio, according to tradition was destroyed by order of Frederick II, who made save the church of Sant'Egidio was kept there because it was of royal patronage. In 1257 Guido di Toro and Richard Santoro Altavilla bought a house in Altavilla. King Charles of Anjou granted the fief of Altavilla to his chamberlain Martin of Dardano and to avoid confusion with the homonymous Irpinia, with the addition prope Capuacium.

In 1272 Martino di Dardano, pro Altavilla, was among the barons subject to Prince Charles, Prince of Salerno created. To his chamberlain the King granted the privilege of instituting Altavilla a market five-day, 10 to 14 August. Similarly Martin of Dardano the king also granted to freely transport from the port of Sele 200 corpses of wheat for sale in Amalfi. Then we find Altavilla in possession of the family Bursone, accounts of Satriano. In 1496 the estate of Altavilla was advocated to the IRS for the felony of Sanseverino who possessed it from the time of Ruggiero.

In 1504 the estate was then granted to Bernardo Villammare and then sold to G.Battista Filomarino, Earl of Rocca dell'Aspro. In 1564 the estate passed to Nicholas Grimaldi, Prince of Salerno. In June 26, 1596, the estate was auctioned and sold for Beatrice Putigna to 33,100 denier. This sold it in 1608 to Antonio G. Parisio for d. 45,100 on behalf of Pompeo Colonna who obtained then transfer the feud. Around 1640 the grandson Giacomo Colonna introduced the first buffaloes, but the university and the families asked to remove them because of devastating defenses. In 1646 Giacomo Colonna obtained the title of Marquis of Altavilla. In 1703 he was lord of Altavilla Giuseppe Colonna, but on April 28, 1744, the feud was possessed by Gennaro Solimene.

At the end of '700, the feud was still in possession of the family with the headline of Solimena Marquis.Four convents existing Altavilla, namely the convent of minors observant of St. Francis, of the Carmelite friars, of the Cross and verginian, founded by St. Bernardine of Siena says verbatim Father Ludovico: «San Bernardino was in the Kingdom of Naples in 1435 and founded the convent of St. Francis de Hauteville 'Friars Minor, and in the garden he planted a myrtle and the branches and also the miraculous Santo apparently had built a well, the water of which the drink the sick to obtain from God the Health » desired.

 The second was the convent of Carmelite brothers and built the spore of the baronial palace, whose incomes, after the suppression of Innocent X in 1632, were devolved to local churches. The third monastery was fathers «crociferi» with the church of the Annunciation. The fourth was the fathers Virginians on high ground away « two musket shots from Altavilla » where is the modern church of Santa Maria in Heaven.Behind the Calore River, on a natural relief, in S. Lorenzo, came to light the remains of an early medieval church, with adjoining cemetery. Antonio and Giuseppe Di Feo Messone, tilling the soil, in 1974 they met, by chance, in a first, important find: a valuable relief.The excavations, edited by Professor Paolo Peduto, University of Salerno, began in 1977, bringing to light an entire church complex of the seventh century.

Seen are the walls of a church and a cemetery with 147 skeletons.In grave goods were found vases, amphorae, coins, rings, earrings. Currently the site requires a recovery action, to return to the full enjoyment of scholars and enthusiasts.

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